Mesothelioma Lawyer

Caring for Family Members with Mesothelioma

Caring for Family Members with Mesothelioma

All types of mesothelioma are usually diagnosed once the cancer has had time to develop and cause symptoms. Aggressive treatment usually starts right away to combat the illness. As someone with mesothelioma embarks on treatment, he or she will need assistance keeping up with life’s duties. It will be difficult to focus attention on fighting mesothelioma if a patient doesn’t have support.

If you are caring for a family member with mesothelioma, you may have to manage and attend to:

  • Emotional support
  • Household duties
  • Finances
  • Transportation

As the person caring for someone with mesothelioma, you will witness first-hand the ways the disease will affect your loved one’s life. He or she will be unable to work and may suffer both emotionally and physically. If you help with the family member’s finances, you will witness the significant costs of mesothelioma treatment.

Mesothelioma is a devastating cancer that affects both the sufferer and the family. Asbestos exposure is the primary cause of mesothelioma, and most instances of asbestos exposure are preventable. Manufacturers, employers and other entities dealing with asbestos have a responsibility to prevent deadly illnesses like mesothelioma.

If you have a family member with mesothelioma in Baltimore, Maryland or Washington, DC, or anywhere in the country, please contact the Law Office of Brown | Kiely, LLP, to schedule a free case evaluation.