Mesothelioma Lawyer


Asbestos as a Risk Factor

Once known as a miracle mineral, asbestos has lost favor, as it becomes increasingly known as a risk factor for many deadly diseases. Mesothelioma Asbestos is notorious as the only known risk factor for mesothelioma, a fatal cancer that can...

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Pleural Effusions

Pleural effusions can be caused by a number of diseases. Among them are any lung disease caused by exposure to asbestos. A pleural effusion is an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space that is caused by irritation of either or both pleural...

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Pleural Thickening

The pleural lung lining is actually two layers of elastic membrane that glide against one another over a layer of lubricating fluid. One layer lines the chest wall and the other surrounds the lungs. When a pleural membrane thickens it loses its...

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Pleural Plaques

One of the indicators of asbestos exposure is the presence of pleural plaques on x-ray or CT scan. Pleural plaques are calcifications located in the pleural lining, the outer lining that covers the inner chest wall. Though pleural plaques are not...

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How Are People Exposed to Asbestos?

Washington D.C. and Maryland are areas of great historic interest, and most of the area’s older buildings are treasured for their antiquity and presence during so many historical milestones. For that reason, they have been preserved and...

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Common Asbestos Exposure Sites

The list of potential asbestos exposure sites seems endless, but there are some that are more common than others. Many workplaces use asbestos in manufacturing or, as in the case of brake repairs, use products that contain exposed asbestos. In...

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Mesothelioma Treatment Options

As with any disease, the best treatment comes from early detection. At the first sign of illness, you should see your doctor. The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it is likely to be, and the less likely you are to have complications or...

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Asbestos-Containing Products

Asbestos is a natural mineral that was mined for use in a variety of products during the twentieth century. Due to its strong insulation qualities, it was widely used for decades in products that required temperature transfer resistance or heat...

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History of Asbestos Litigation

In recent years, asbestos litigation has become one of the most rapidly growing areas of personal injury law. There are currently more than 200,000 asbestos and mesothelioma claims pending in state and federal courts, and tens of thousands of new...

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